March 20, 2013

Working With What We Have

Do you like my new sitting area?  My honey likes it mucho, probably because it is yet another soft spot to rest his feet.   Keep reading to learn more... 

I've been wanting to show you my new sitting area and my folded books, which the kids think are totally awesome.  Coincidentally,  Emily A. Clark has a link up for her series Working With What You Have.   Perfect timing, right?

I'm still sorting, purging, selling, and boxing our things in preparation for our move.  I've also been painting, de-cluttering, and deep-cleaning because our house is going on the market.  Acquiring stuff we didn't want or need just to stage the house seemed completely counterproductive.  Instead, I've been trying to rearrange and use what we already have.

Depersonalizing our home has meant putting away many of the family photos and children's items (Lego creations, Nerf discs, drawing supplies, Nerf discs) that are usually scattered around the house.  The credenza in the front room was one place that was left wanting.  My solution was to fold a few old paperback books and stick them in a bowl.  It was a simple, free and totally mindless project that makes me want to fold another one and put them in an even bigger bowl.     

The biggest achievement, however, was managing to create an official sitting area in our bedroom by pulling furniture from around the house.

The Morris chair had been out of place near the dining table.  The lamp came from the living room where it felt inadequate competing with an even larger shade.  The faux leather chest had previously served as a coffee table by the TV.  The bowl on the chest was nicked from the kitchen.  The demijohn and the little potted plant came from the living room.  The pillow had been languishing in the linen closet.  On the left (it's more obvious in the top picture) you can even seen a sliver of what used to be an orange dressing mirror that I repainted white.  Yes, the pouf is new.  It was originally destined for the porch to add a bit of color but I thought it might work in here with the red wire table.  The whole purpose was to show the potential of this area and I do think we pulled that off.

Then we hung a bit of artwork and wondered why we hadn't created this space years ago. 

I've mentioned before how I love local artists!  This piece is by Ellie Reinhold .  Even after we have moved away, I will forever be reminded of the 50+ trees in my front yard and the just-now-quick-count of the 95 out back.

It is the middle of the day, but I shall turn on the light for you anyway...

Here's a glimpse at the other side of the room.

Any pillows we want to throw from the bed get tossed into the demijohn basket.  Someday we will come across some great bedside tables (I hope that someday turns out to be soon after we move to England while we are browsing flea markets.)  The side table pictured was sold as a bathroom storage cabinet and is actually quite functional - 2 drawers and 2 shelves -  but it's a bit tall.  The other side of the bed is graced with a plastic veneered file cabinet and doesn't deserve to be in the picture.


  1. Such a cute little corner. Good luck with your move. Thanks for linking up :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you. It was very sweet of you to comment.
