November 27, 2012

Leaves and more leaves

The leaf situation out there is insane!  I really must rake my yard.  Must I?  Really?  That notion is sheer craziness since I live in a forest!  Well, it was once a forest before nearly all the trees were cut down to build houses and plant grass.  Except for the trees on our lot.  Not sure why we are the exception.  We have 53 trees in the front yard alone.  The count could be off.  I might have missed a few.  I do love all the trees.  Neighbors say that they love the yard.  Perhaps they would change their minds if they had to tackle this:

So, why am I going to rake the leaves in my forest?  Because my forest comes complete with a Home Owners Association.  What a lucky forest.

With all those leaves on the ground you would think my trees looked like this:

But, alas, these trees belong to my neighbors.  Mrs. and Mr. Neighbor have a paltry 5 trees in the front yard adjacent to mine.    

Here is what my trees look like:

I'm still trying to figure out where all the leaves on the ground came from.

The first Fall we lived here, Mrs. Neighbor made the comment to me that she likes watching the leaves fall.  She was hoping that I didn't mind if her family allowed the leaves to sit in the yard for a few days before cleaning them up.  She's very funny.


1 comment:

  1. The idea of stealing leaves from their natural habitat makes me feel resentful and I'm not even the one who has to rake them. Mostly because those fall colors are so beautiful and need to be admired. It's a right of fall. Second, it is a travesty to have to waste time and effort taking all that beauty and dumping it into black plastic bags when the natural cycle of life would allow you to enjoy the beautiful fall colors much longer AND fertilize your yard all at the same time.

    Naturally the HOA expects you to be happy left staring at a bleak naked tree. Okay, okay, I am aware you compost, but're getting gypped of sensory experience/and benefits to your lawn all in the name of aesthetics, and that is what the HOA was trying to protect here in the first place.
