January 31, 2013

Tic Tacs and Bead Storage

I was in Joann Fabrics the other day looking for brilliant solutions to help organize some sewing/project odds and ends.  I came across a bead storage product that look remarkably similar to Tic Tac containers.   Could have snapped a picture.  Didn't.  Looked them up on the website.  They weren't listed.  They aren't hard to envision:  they look almost exactly like Tic Tac containers.  Now, I don't make jewelery or have a lot of beads around, but it got me thinking.  If I did, I might just develop a Tic Tac habit.

I do have a few containers of Tic Tacs around because they are a favorite of my son.  Whenever he sees a new flavor he wants to try it.  Admittedly, I support his weakness for this marketing ploy because I love the non-standard flavors we see when traveling.  Uva Litchi: you were a favorite.  Even though we may have the same flavors back in the US, the taste and color is almost always different.  Check out the American Strawberry Fields in the center and the French version on the right. 

Take note: supersizing isn't just for Americans.  Check of the giant container of citron vert and orange.

I learned to stick to Tic Tacs, though.  We picked up French Skittles one summer and regretted it.  If I had been walking down a street, some fruit or a nice baguette would have been a better choice,  but we were in an airport and I needed bribery for the plane ride. 

OK, back to the beads.  I tried out the idea to see how they would work for bead storage . . . and . . .


I used one container with beads and another with buttons.  I'm sure there is a perfectly good reason as to why I own so many white buttons.  The labels were easy to remove.  Peeling them from the bottom up, they would rip.  Peeling from the top down, they would come off cleanly, even the sticky stuff. Reduce Reuse Recycle.

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